FactSet Ownership API

  • Overview
  • API Definition
  • SDK Libraries
  • Notebooks
  • Code Snippet
  • Changelog

FactSet Ownership API

Welcome to the FactSet Ownership API, the go-to source for comprehensive global share ownership data. This API provides essential insights into institutional and mutual fund holdings, stakeholder profiles, and float information for a deep understanding of equity ownership worldwide.

Key Features

  • Extensive Historical Data & Global Reach: Track and analyze over 17 years of historical data spanning major regions such as the U.S., Canada, the UK, and more.
  • In-Depth Analytics & Free Float Calculations: Analyze institutional holdings data from as far back as 1999 and understand free float metrics for market availability.

Endpoint Coverage

  • /factset-ownership/v1/fund-holdings: Access data on equity and fixed income fund holdings, including active and terminated holders and securities since 1999.
  • /factset-ownership/v1/security-holders: Gain insights into stakeholders of specific securities, covering institutional investors, mutual funds, and individual holders, with detailed data on shares held and the percentage of shares outstanding.

Use Cases

  • Market Analysis & Risk Management: Utilize ownership data to identify market trends and manage risk effectively.
  • Regulatory Compliance & Portfolio Strategy: Meet reporting requirements confidently and develop optimized investment portfolios through comprehensive ownership insights.

How to Programmatically Download API Specification File

Please use the below link to download the FactSet Ownership API Specification file in .yaml. You must be authorized for this API to extract. This specification can then be used for Codegen to create your own SDKs. You can also access by selecting the "Download Spec" button to the right of the version below.


Rate limit: 10 requests per second

API Definition
SDK Libraries
Getting Started - Juypter Notebook
Getting Started - Juypter Notebook SDK
Code Snippet
Sample code to retrieve the holdings information for list of Fund objects using FactSet ownership API
# Imports
import pandas as pd

# FDS Packages
import fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership # To install, please use "pip install fds.sdk.utils fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership==1.0.8"
from fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership.api import fund_holdings_api, security_holders_api
from fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership.models import *
from fds.sdk.utils.authentication import ConfidentialClient

# Authentication using OAuthndame
configuration = fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership.Configuration(
    fds_oauth_client=ConfidentialClient('<PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>') # Path to config file from OAuth registration

# Get Fund Holdings Data
with fds.sdk.FactSetOwnership.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create Instance
    api_instance = fund_holdings_api.FundHoldingsApi(api_client)

    # Request Object to Define Parameters
    fund_holdings_request = FundHoldingsRequest(
        ids = IdFundHoldings(["VTI-US"]),
        date = "2019-12-31",
        topn = "5",
        asset_type = AssetType("EQ")

    # Send Request
    api_response = api_instance.post_ownership_holdings(fund_holdings_request)

    # Convert to Pandas Dataframe
    results = pd.DataFrame(api_response.to_dict()['data'])



Added `weightClose` to response model of /fund-holdings

Added /security-holders, giving access to various holder types and percent ownership of a given list of ids.

Functionality Additions

  • Added `weightClose` to response model of /fund-holdings
  • Added /security-holders endpoint to fetch holders of an inputted list of ids