FactSet Entity API
Harness the FactSet Entity API to navigate comprehensive entity reference data, entity hierarchies, entity to security linkages, and more! Gain detailed entity insights and seamless integration into your workflows.
Key Features
- 16 Million+ Entity Identifiers: Differentiate between 37 entity types, from public and private companies to ETFs and structured products.
- Connectivity: Bridge third-party datasets with FactSet content using precise identifier mappings.
- Comprehensive Entity Data: Access data on both active and terminated entities.
- Precision Symbology: Navigate current and historical identifier mappings for data consistency.
- Entity Hierarchies: Navigate parent-child relationships, up to the ultimate parent company.
- Entity to Security Linking: Identify all equity exchange listings and debt instruments issued by a given entity.
- Multi-Dimensional Investments: Access broad datasets involving standard market identifiers for diverse strategies.
Endpoint Coverage
- /factset-entity/v1/entity-references: Retrieve core reference data including business description, location information, and ultimate parent.
- /factset-entity/v1/entity-securities: Request an entity’s issued equity and debt instruments for comprehensive analysis.
- /factset-entity/v1/entity-structures: Explore all active and inactive subordinate relationships below the requested entity.
- /factset-entity/v1/ultimate-entity-structures: Identify full ultimate entity structures including ultimate parents, subordinates, and active and inactive entities.
- /factset-entity/v1/entity-reference-chinese: Access entity reference data in both simplified and traditional Chinese.
- /factset-entity/v1/hist-credit-parent: Examine historical credit parent relationships.
Use Cases
- Enterprise Data Management: Utilize FactSet’s Entity Master which links and aggregates a variety of content sources to meet your data needs.
- Risk Analysis: Make informed decisions based on entity risk and relationships.
- Regulatory Compliance: Expose direct and indirect relationships and hierarchies between entities, securities, people, and funds through time.
- Quantitative Research: Enhance investment research with entity-level insights.
- Strategic Portfolio Management: Make informed decisions based on entity risk and relationships.
How to Programmatically Download API Specification File
Please use the below link to download the FactSet Entity API Specification file in .yaml. You must be authorized for this API to extract. This specification can then be used for Codegen to create your own SDKs. You can also access by selecting the "Download Spec" button to the right of the version below. https://api.factset.com/content/TBD/v1/spec/swagger.yaml Rate limit: 10 requests per second.
# Content API - FactSet Entity API - entity-references - code snippet
# We can follow the same code snippet for remaining end points (entity-securities) by changing the endpoint and input parameters.
# This snippet demonstrates basic features of the FactSet Entity API by walking through the following steps:
# 1. Import Python packages
# 2. Enter your Username and API Key for authorization
# 3. For each FactSet Entity API API endpoint, create request objects and display the results in a Pandas DataFrame
# a.Create a request object and set the parameters
# b.Create a POST Request and Data Frame
# 1. Import the required packages
# 2. Create a connection object
# Enter your credentials for 'Username' and 'API Key' variables below.
# To generate an API key, visit (https://developer.factset.com/authentication) for more details on Authentication.
username <- "username"
password <- "API-KEY"
# 3.0 FactSet Entity API Endpoint Details
# 3.1 entity-references - Returns an Entity reference profile for the requested Entity Id(s). Data points include - Ultimate Parent Id, Credit Parent Id, Headquarters location details, Website URL, and Business Description.
# 3.1a `/factset-entity/v1/entity-references` - Create a request object and set the parameters
entity_references_endpoint = 'https://api.factset.com/content/factset-entity/v1/entity-references'
entity_references_request = list(ids=list("FDS-US","0FPWZZ-E","TSLA-US"))
# 3.1b `/factset-entity/v1/entity-references` - Pull data, display DataFrame properties, show initial records
entity_references_response <- httr::POST(entity_references_endpoint ,authenticate(username,password,type="basic"),body=(entity_references_request),
#Converting the post response into the character data set
entity_references_char <- rawToChar(entity_references_response$content)
#Converting the character data set into json and fetching the required results
entity_references_json <- fromJSON(entity_references_char)[['data']]
#Converting Json into Dataframe
entity_references_df <- as.data.frame(entity_references_json)
#Display the column names of dataframe
#Display 5 results of dataframe
Added two new endpoints giving access to the Entities corporate structures.
Functionality Additions
New Endpoints:
- /entity-structures - Returns all active or inactive entities and respective levels below the requested entity id.
- /ultimate-entity-structures - Returns the full ultimate parent entity hierarchy. Control levels and active status of underlying entities.
Added two new response fields to the /entity-references endpoint which will flag whether entities are public or private.
Functionality Additions
New Fields:
/entity-references: added two new response fields to flag whether the input id is a public or private entity. The fields will be assigned either a 0 (false) or 1 (true) value to indicate whether an entity is public or private.
- publicEntityFlag
- privateEntityFlag
Added a new endpoint to retrieve entity business names and descriptions in simplified and traditional chinese
Functionality Additions
New Endpoint:
- /entity-reference-chi - Returns entity reference data in Chinese for the requested Id(s). Data points include Business Description and Entity Name in both simplified and traditional Chinese.
Added new endpoint, /hist-credit-parent, which will return entities and they historical credit parents.
Functionality Additions
New Endpoints:
- /hist-credit-parent - Returns all historical credit parent entities for the requested id.