Elevate Client Conversations with Model Portfolio Analytics from Your Digital Portal

Creating model portfolios with unique insights and intelligence is a common workflow challenge for wealth managers.

In this recipe, we will demonstrate how FactSet’s APIs can be used to deliver dynamic meaningful analytics and high quality data from a vast content library to your digital portal.

First, we will translate any asset selection framework into a model portfolio. Next, we will calculate analytics including weights, characteristics, exposures, attribution, risk, and performance. Finally, we will enhance the derived analytics with your choice of relevant data including fundamentals, estimates, and pricing data from our Content APIs.

Time Required: 2+ Hours
Difficulty: Moderate
Elevate Client Conversations with Model Portfolio Analytics from Your Digital Portal


1Generate Model Portfolio

Create a model portfolio within FactSet, directly from your digital portal.

2Generate Analytics

Use FactSet’s PA Engine API to asynchronously generate analytics for your model portfolio.

3Enrich Analytics

While your analytics calculate, use our content APIs to enrich your offering with FactSet’s content.

4Populate Digital Portal

Use the semi-structured data returned from steps 2 and 3 to power your digital portal.

Recipe Details

1Generate Model Portfolio MODEL PORTFOLIO

Base URL: https://api.factset.com/analytics/accounts/v2/models

This family of APIs manages model holdings data for prospective portfolios.

  • All Model Accounts will leverage FactSet’s Pricing and Analytics Sources
  • The Model Portfolio API can only interact with Accounts generated from this API family
  • You cannot modify an existing Model Account

PUT: /{Account Path}
Creates a new Model Portfolio Account. The request body can contain one or more date and symbol combinations. Optionally, you can include shares, prices and a currency ISO for each symbol.

DEL: /{Account Path}
Deletes the Model Account specified in the request URL.

Generate Model Portfolio
Generate Model Portfolio

2Generate Analytics PA ENGINE API

Base URL: https://api.factset.com/analytics

PA Engine API family allows you to request analytics with the flexibility to change accounts, benchmarks, groupings, columns, summary statistics and return periods from your request body.

  • API request can be made asynchronously
  • All tabular data is returned in FactSet’s Stach format
  • All component ids are unique to each PA Document and report combination

POST: /engines/v2/calculations?
Request one or more calculations from FactSet’s PA Engine based on the parameters specified in the request body. The request can be made asynchronously by incrementing the request index inside of the body or you can submit multiple simultaneously. To retrieve analytics data from the PA Engine first, POST: the request JSON to the /calculations endpoint. Next, in a loop GET: the URL found in the location header. Once the request body status returns “Completed”, use the URL found in the pa/request index/result attribute to retrieve the analytics content.

GET: /lookups/v2/accounts/{Directory Path}
Returns all Account and Account Composites in the specified directory and its child directories.

GET: /lookups/v2/engines/pa/documents/{path}
Returns all PA3 documents in the specified directory and its child directories.

GET: /lookups/v2/engines/pa/components?document={Document}
Returns all Component Ids, names and categories for the PA3 Document.

GET: /lookups/v2/engines/pa/groups
Returns all available custom groupings.

GET: /lookups/v2/engines/pa/frequencies
Returns all available PA3 frequency ids.

Generate Analytics
Generate Analytics

3Enrich Analytics CONTENT APIS

Base URL: https://api.factset.com/content

FactSet’s suite of Content APIs are organized in a collection of content endpoints that enable you to quickly retrieve well defined and consistent data models. Our Content APIs include coverage from core company data such as fundamentals and estimates to unique data sets including supply chain and ownership.

FactSet Prices

POST: /factset-prices/v1/prices
Returns security prices, open, high, low, close, volume, and currency for a specified date range and frequency.

POST: /factset-prices/v1/dividends
Returns dividends paid out, received date and pay date for the specified date range.

POST: /factset-prices/v1/shares
Returns company level shares information. Commonly used with the prices endpoint to calculate market value.

POST: /factset-prices/v1/splits
Returns the date and split factor for the listed identifiers.

FactSet Estimates

POST: /factset-estimates/v1/rolling-consensus
Provides consensus level estimates for income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, ratio and industry specific items for over 19,000 active companies globally.

FactSet Fundamentals

POST: /factset-fundamentals/v1/fundamentals
Provides access to over 1,420 metrics sourced from annual and interim/quarterly data and detailed historical financial statements.

GET: /factset-fundamentals/v1/metrics
Returns the list of available metrics to be used with the FactSet Fundamentals endpoint.

Enrich Analytics
Enrich Analytics
Enrich Analytics

4Populate Digital Portal

FactSet’s APIs returns data in concorded semi-structed JSONs. In addition, FactSet provides API Software Development Kits (SDK) in Java, .NET, Python and R.  FactSet's SDKs simplify standard processes including creating authorization signatures, requests, error handling, and response parsing. Please refer to the FactSet Developer Portal for additional supporting documentation and sample code.