Symbology API

  • Overview
  • API Definition
  • SDK Libraries
  • Notebooks
  • Code Snippet
  • Changelog

FactSet Symbology API provides symbol resolution services, allowing users to translate from a wide variety of symbols to FactSet's native symbology, or into CUSIPs, SEDOLS, ISINs, and Bloomberg FIGI. History of symbol changes and their respective effective dates can be returned in response, allowing for more comprehensive Data Management.

Symbology sits at the center of FactSet's hub-and-spoke data model, normalizing its expanding catalog of Content APIs around a single identifier type. This enables application developers and data scientists to quickly connect into FactSet's ecosystem and begin building or analyzing at scale.

As part of v3, users will be able to use /identifier-resolution resolution services. This new endpoint provides flexibility for requesting and receiving both third-party and FactSet Permanent identifiers. Users can both input and output most of the listed identifiers, with exceptions noted below. All input and output symbols must be declared, and users have the ability to resolve one input symbol to many different output symbols in one request.

  • BIC* - Bank Identification Code (e.g. ABXXHKH1)
  • CIK - Edgar Central Index Keys (e.g. 0000100331)
  • CRD - Central Registration Depository (e.g. 149722)
  • EIN - Employer Identification Number (e.g. 953540776)
  • FITCH* - Fitch Ratings Identifier (e.g. 47504)
  • LEI - Legal Entity Identifier (e.g. 549300A6K7JX8EX2QZ33)
  • MD* - Moody's Ratings Identifier (e.g. 0823736553)
  • SPR* - S&P Ratings Identifier (e.g. 301939)
  • VALOREN - Valoren ("Valor") Identification (e.g. 685558) (Input only)
  • WKN* - German Securities Identification ("Wert") (e.g. A0MU9T)
  • UKCH - UK Company House Identifier(e.g.CE012494)
  • RSSD - Federal Reserve RSSD Identifier(1139297)
  • SEDOL*
  • CUSIP*
  • fsymEntityId - FactSet entity Id
  • fsymSecurityId - FactSet security level permanent identifier
  • fsymRegionalId - FactSet regional level permanent identifier
  • fsymListingId - FactSet listing level permanent identifier
  • ISIN*
  • tickerExchange
  • tickerRegion
  • bloombergFigi (Input only)
  • bloombergTicker (Input only)
  • GVKEY (Input only)
  • GVKEY & IID (Input only)
  • JCN
  • LoanX (Input only)
  • Markit Red (Input only)

*These symbol types require additional subscriptions. If you would like to gain access to these symbol types, please contact your FactSet Account Team or "Report Issue" above and our support teams can assist.

Please Note: v3 gives users the ability to resolve to and from third party and FactSet identifiers. v2 should still be used to retrieve reference data like exchange, currency, and security name. We are working to add reference data to v3.

In addition to Symbology, FactSet also provides Concordance Services via FactSet Concordance API to resolve from Entity Names into FactSet Identifiers.

Coverage Note

The FactSet Symbology API has resolution capabilities for the following asset types:

  1. Equities
  2. Fixed Income
  3. Entities

While most security level third party identifiers offer resolution capabilities for both Equities and Fixed Income securities, there is one exception. The Bloomberg Ticker offers resolution only for Equities.

This API is rate-limited to 10 requests per second and 10 concurrent requests per user.

API Definition
SDK Libraries
Getting Started - Jupyter Notebook
Getting Started - Jupyter Notebook - SDK
Identifier History - Jupyter Notebook
Mapping to FactSet Identifiers with Symbology & Concordance APIs
Code Snippet
Sample code to translate the market security symbols into FactSet Permanent Identifiers using FactSet symbology API
# Imports
import pandas as pd

# FDS Packages
import fds.sdk.Symbology # To install, please use "pip install fds.sdk.utils fds.sdk.Symbology==3.0.0"
from fds.sdk.Symbology.api import identifier_resolution_api
from fds.sdk.Symbology.models import *
from fds.sdk.utils.authentication import ConfidentialClient

# Authentication using OAuth
configuration = fds.sdk.Symbology.Configuration(
    fds_oauth_client=ConfidentialClient('<PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>') # Path to config file from OAuth registration
# Get Identifier Resolution Data
with fds.sdk.Symbology.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create Instance
    api_instance = identifier_resolution_api.IdentifierResolutionApi(api_client)

    # Request Object to Define Parameters
    identifier_resolution_request = IdentifierResolutionRequest(
        ids = GetIdsResolution(["IBM-US", "FDS-US"]),
        input_symbol_type = GetInputSymbolType("tickerRegion"),
        output_symbol_types = GetOutputSymbolTypes(["fsymRegionalId", "tickerExchange"]),

    # Send Request
    api_response = api_instance.batch_identifier_resolution(identifier_resolution_request)

    # Convert to Pandas Dataframe
    results = pd.DataFrame(api_response.to_dict()['data'])



Removal of DUNS from the API overview and endpoint definitions.



Added new endpoint: historical-identifier-resolution

This endpoint allows users to retrieve historical resolutions for identifiers within a specified timeframe. Previously, the API only provided the latest resolution for an identifier. The new endpoint provides additional capabilities for:

  • Analyzing historical trends and changes in identifier resolution.
  • Identifying specific points in time when a resolution changed.



New Response Fields:

  • Currency: The 3 digit ISO code for the currency

New outputSymbolTypes:

  • bloombergListingTicker
  • bloombergRegionalTicker
  • bloombergFigiListing
  • bloombergFigiRegional
  • bloombergFigiSecurity



Additional Symbol Types:

  • GVKEY - Global Company Identifier, GVKEY & IID - Global Company Identifier, JCN - Japanese Corporate Number, LoanX - Syndicated Loan Identifier, Markit Red - Markit Reference Entity Identifier

Functionality Additions

New Symbol Types:

  • /identifier-resolution: the following symbol types are now supported for identifier resolution when specified:
    • GVKEY - Global Company Identifier (Input only)
    • GVKEY & IID - Global Company Identifier (Input only)
    • JCN - Japanese Corporate Number
    • LoanX - Syndicated Loan Identifier (Input only)
    • Markit Red - Markit Reference Entity Identifier (Input only)

New Response Fields:

  • name: Name of the Entity
  • frefListingExchange: The 3 digit fref exchange code for the primary exchange of the Security



New Endpoint

  • /identifier-resolution

Functionality Additions

New Endpoint:

  • /identifier-resolution: The Identifier Resolution endpoint provides flexibility for requesting and receiving both third-party and FactSet Permanent identifiers. Users can both input and output most of the listed identifiers, with exceptions noted below. All input and output symbols must be declared, and users have the ability to resolve one input symbol to many different output symbols in one request.
    • BIC* - Bank Identification Code (e.g. ABXXHKH1)
    • CIK - Edgar Central Index Keys (e.g. 0000100331)
    • CRD - Central Registration Depository (e.g. 149722)
    • DUNS - Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (e.g. 687741991) (Input only)
    • EIN - Employer Identification Number (e.g. 953540776)
    • FITCH* - Fitch Ratings Identifier (e.g. 47504)
    • LEI - Legal Entity Identifier (e.g. 549300A6K7JX8EX2QZ33)
    • MD* - Moody's Ratings Identifier (e.g. 0823736553)
    • SPR* - S&P Ratings Identifier (e.g. 301939)
    • VALOREN - Valoren ("Valor") Identification (e.g. 685558) (Input only)
    • WKN* - German Securities Identification ("Wert") (e.g. A0MU9T)
    • UKCH - UK Company House Identifier(e.g.CE012494)
    • RSSD - Federal Reserve RSSD Identifier(1139297)
    • SEDOL*
    • CUSIP*
    • fsymEntityId - FactSet entity Id
    • fsymSecurityId - FactSet security level permanent identifier
    • fsymRegionalId - FactSet regional level permanent identifier
    • fsymListingId - FactSet listing level permanent identifier
    • ISIN*
    • tickerExchange
    • tickerRegion
    • bbgSecurityId (Input only)
    • bbgTickerComposite (Input only)

*These symbol types require additional subscriptions.



Removal of DUNS from the API overview and endpoint definitions.



Description change for /ticker-history.



Additional Symbol Types:

  • JCN - Japanese Corporate Number, CRN - UK Company House Identifier, RSSD - Federal Reserve RSSD Identifier

Functionality Additions

New Symbol Types:

  • /factset-advanced: the following advanced symbol types are now supported for resolution when specified:
    • JCN - Japanese Corporate Number
    • CRN - UK Company House Identifier
    • RSSD - Federal Reserve RSSD Identifier



New Endpoint:

  • /factset-advanced

Functionality Additions

New Endpoint:

  • /factset-advanced:
    • Enables a wider variety of id resolutions from specified symbol types, including:
      • Bloomberg FIGI - Regional/Security/Listing Level
      • Bloomberg Ticker - Regional/Listing Level
      • Bank Identification Code (e.g. ABXXHKH1)
      • Edgar Central Index Keys (e.g. 0000100331)
      • Central Registration Depository (e.g. 149722)
      • Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (e.g. 687741991)
      • Employer Identification Number (e.g. 953540776)
      • Fitch Ratings Identifier (e.g. 47504)
      • Legal Entity Identifier (e.g. 549300A6K7JX8EX2QZ33)
      • Moody's Ratings Identifier (e.g. 0823736553)
      • S&P Ratings Identifier (e.g. 301939)
      • Valoren ("Valor") Identification (e.g. 685558)
      • German Securities Identification ("Wert") (e.g. A0MU9T)
      • NOTE - not all asset types and classes are supported. Reach out for further clarification.





Renaming 'CRN' to 'UKCH' for the UK Company House ID Symbol type for the /factset-advanced endpoint